Sustainable protection
As the climate challenge grows more urgent to tackle, everyone will have to shift to a circular mindset. There’s opportunities here, as making less with more and to use overlooked resources open for innovation and value creation. In this article we’ll adress how Avertic Armour can assist you in lowering your carbon footprint without compromising protection against power tools for your security containers, strong rooms, server rooms, cash-in-transit and high-value transports.
Textiles are light, energy-efficient and efficient
Although it challenges our preconceptions, textiles are strong, many times stronger than the same weight of steel. And textiles are also flexible and lightweight. Textile technology is constantly taking leaps forward which broadens the different fabric’s usability and areas of application. Textile chains are replacing steel in for example the construction, marine and transport industries.
The reason is partly due to price, weight and flexibility, which makes handling easier. But it’s also due to a lower carbon footprint. Because steel requires a lot of energy to produce and its weight make it emission heavy to transport. Textiles, on the other hand, require significantly less energy to produce. The lower weight leads to savings in transportation.
What about protection?
Modern power tools are designed to cut through steel, wood and concrete. Their powerful machinery, drill bits, saws and blades are constructed for this purpose. They’re not designed to handle a fabric specially crafted to stop them from working. Our anti-cut panels are meant to be installed on the inside of an outer wall, thus reinforcing protection. The strong, technological textiles and their design overload the power tool, halting it and often causing perpetrators to give up the attempt entirely.
To sum up, the benefits with Avertic Armour installed, on top of the additional level of protection, is that less external material such as steel and concrete is required. This is where you can save both money and carbon emissions, lowering your carbon footprint and move closer to your sustainability goals.